Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Solve Marital Conflicts and Save Your Marriage

Written by Gerry Restrivera

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Marriage is not always a bed of roses, problems may arise anytime and you have to be prepared. Disagreements or conflicts are part of any marriage but this doesn't mean that the marriage has to end. Knowing how to solve marital conflicts will prevent serious problems in your marriage like divorce and separation.

There are different ways and approach to solve marital conflicts but the most important thing is to find a solution that will work for your situation. Here are some tips:

Remember that you are arguing with your spouse and not with an enemy. It is not always bad to argue because this is the time to air your feelings but keep yourself reminded that you are arguing with the person you love, be careful not to hurt your spouse. It is so easy to say bad words but it will be hard to take it back and erase everything you said. The conflicts can be settled in a clean argument without attacking your spouse with bad words and irrational accusations.

Use the word "I" often instead of the word "you." It is better to say "I am disappointed and I feel neglected" than saying "You disappointed me or you neglected me." If you avoid accusing your spouse and prefer a positive way to deal with the problems, it will be easier to solve marital conflicts without resulting to another argument.

Control your anger. This is easier said than done, but it is not impossible to control your emotions. Do not let your anger control you. Nothing good will come out if your actions are dictated by your anger. Let it pass for a while and think things over before talking to your spouse about the conflicts and issues. Being angry is not a good start if you want to solve marital conflicts.

Compromise. To solve marital conflicts, you have to find a common ground to compromise. You have to meet in the middle and make an agreement about the issues that you both are trying to resolve. If one is not willing to compromise, then the problem will not be resolved.

Admit when you are wrong. To some people admitting their mistakes is very hard, but there is nothing wrong in admitting you are wrong if this gesture will end your disputes. It will benefit your relationship and it will help you to solve marital conflicts if you are mature enough to admit your mistakes.

Gifts. Yes, this is another way to solve marital conflicts. Giving your spouse gifts or peace offering will make the stressful situation a little lighter. This will soften his or her heart and will give you the chance to talk, make up and settle your differences in a nice way.

Forgive and forget. Accept that your spouse have weaknesses too. You have to learn to accept your spouse together with his or her flaws. Learning to forgive and forget his or her mistakes will make your marriage stronger.

If you still find it hard to solve marital conflicts, do not lose hope. Find out the easy to follow strategies to solve almost any marital conflict visit Save My Marriage Today.

To know more about relationships visit All About Relationships

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