Monday, August 24, 2009

5 Helpful Dating Advices for Men

Written by Charlotte Miller

Monday, 04 May 2009

Dating is a stage where two people are getting to know each other out of romantic interest. This may lead to something better and deeper like the term called "Love". You will never know, the girl of your dreams is just a date away, waiting for you to ask her out. Here are some helpful dating advice for men:

1. Look and feel good for your date.

If you only knew, women also spend hours in front of the mirror just to get their selves fixed and look good for you too. You have to do your part too. Pick a simple yet decent clothes and splash on some good-smelling cologne. Shave off those untidy beards and look neat. Your personality reflects on how you look in the outside. Women love men who take care of themselves.

2. Act gentle.

Make them feel princess-like. Ladies love it when they feel pampered.

3. Treat her with respect.

This is what you need to also earn respect from ladies. Respect begets respect. Don't even try to look at some other sexy girls when you are with her.

4. Do not think of having sex with her afterwards. This is usually what nasty man expects after having a date. This creates a very bad impression on girls. If you want decent girl to be your long term girlfriend, act accordingly.

5. Walk her to the doorstep. Make sure you get her home safe and you might get your kiss for a thank you.

You have to remember that the outcome of your first date will tell you if you deserve to have a second one. So bear these dating advices in mind and have a wonderful date experience.

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