Monday, August 24, 2009

For Men: 5 Ways to Get your Ex Back

Written by Tanay Kumar Das

Thursday, 25 June 2009

What complicates breakups with women is the lasting pain deep inside of you. You cannot stop but think about the myriad of ways to get your ex back and you're willing to try anything that would get her back - simply because you want her back. You may have already tried sending her e-mails, called her on her mobile phone or on her home phone but they were all for naught as you didn't get any reply from your ex. You want your ex back so badly and you've tried the conventional ways of begging and pleading in anyway possible but they were all for naught. Fortunately for you, this article lists the top five surefire, unconventional ways to get back this ex of yours:

Ask her hand in marriage. This may seem preposterous since you've already broken up but even so, this might just work. Why, you ask? Because there's this big chance that the breakup might have been caused by lack of commitment. Asking a girl's hand in marriage (even though she is your ex) shows that you are ready and willing to take this serious step of committing yourself to her for the long run.

Listen to her. In any relationship, listening to a person while he or she is talking is important. There may have been some things you have overlooked or missed while she was talking on the day you broke up—or even before that!

Date others. This may seem like manipulating the situation but you never know you may just meet someone you like more than you do your ex. When she sees you happy with someone else, she may just realize that you're worth it to that someone you're dating and may seek reconciliation with you.

Show her you care a lot by buying her something that makes her feel she's special to you. This way, you may be wooing her back with material things but you're really showing how you care for her feminine side—wants or needs. Be cautious, though, because at times, you may be mistaken of being a pure sexist and nothing else.

Have a simple and pleasant talk with her parents. An encounter and a simple conversation with her parents may just make you understand your ex in a different light. Added to that, you may also make a really good impression on them that they might just convince their daughter to get back with you and give the relationships another try. Just be cautious and do not overdo this one, though. Your ex or her parents might think you're stalking.

These five ways, if followed with caution, sincerity and good intentions, will help you win your ex's heart back. Just make sure that you do everything in your power to make the relationship work - the second time around.

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