Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Men are simple!

If you need to know something about a guy, just ask, it's that simple.....

Monday, August 24, 2009

How to Solve Marital Conflicts and Save Your Marriage

Written by Gerry Restrivera

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Marriage is not always a bed of roses, problems may arise anytime and you have to be prepared. Disagreements or conflicts are part of any marriage but this doesn't mean that the marriage has to end. Knowing how to solve marital conflicts will prevent serious problems in your marriage like divorce and separation.

There are different ways and approach to solve marital conflicts but the most important thing is to find a solution that will work for your situation. Here are some tips:

Remember that you are arguing with your spouse and not with an enemy. It is not always bad to argue because this is the time to air your feelings but keep yourself reminded that you are arguing with the person you love, be careful not to hurt your spouse. It is so easy to say bad words but it will be hard to take it back and erase everything you said. The conflicts can be settled in a clean argument without attacking your spouse with bad words and irrational accusations.

Use the word "I" often instead of the word "you." It is better to say "I am disappointed and I feel neglected" than saying "You disappointed me or you neglected me." If you avoid accusing your spouse and prefer a positive way to deal with the problems, it will be easier to solve marital conflicts without resulting to another argument.

Control your anger. This is easier said than done, but it is not impossible to control your emotions. Do not let your anger control you. Nothing good will come out if your actions are dictated by your anger. Let it pass for a while and think things over before talking to your spouse about the conflicts and issues. Being angry is not a good start if you want to solve marital conflicts.

Compromise. To solve marital conflicts, you have to find a common ground to compromise. You have to meet in the middle and make an agreement about the issues that you both are trying to resolve. If one is not willing to compromise, then the problem will not be resolved.

Admit when you are wrong. To some people admitting their mistakes is very hard, but there is nothing wrong in admitting you are wrong if this gesture will end your disputes. It will benefit your relationship and it will help you to solve marital conflicts if you are mature enough to admit your mistakes.

Gifts. Yes, this is another way to solve marital conflicts. Giving your spouse gifts or peace offering will make the stressful situation a little lighter. This will soften his or her heart and will give you the chance to talk, make up and settle your differences in a nice way.

Forgive and forget. Accept that your spouse have weaknesses too. You have to learn to accept your spouse together with his or her flaws. Learning to forgive and forget his or her mistakes will make your marriage stronger.

If you still find it hard to solve marital conflicts, do not lose hope. Find out the easy to follow strategies to solve almost any marital conflict visit Save My Marriage Today.

To know more about relationships visit All About Relationships

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

How to Make Her Want You Back

Written by Gerry Restrivera

Friday, 24 April 2009

If things went wrong in your relationship and your girlfriend decided to call it quits, don't lose hope because there are things you can do to make her want you back. Relationships sometimes end but it doesn't mean that reconciliation is impossible because everybody deserves a second chance. If you really love her and want her back, then create a plan to win her love back.

Here are some tips to make her want you back:

Stay friends with your ex-girlfriend. Remember that you want to make her want you back and you still want to get in touch with her. Avoid hurtful words and try to be open minded with the status of your relationship with her now. Be civil and cordial with her if you want to make her want you back and do not pressure her to spend time again with you. For now, make her feel that you are still friends but no commitment with each other. If she is already dating, try not to get affected and start seeing other people too but be honest to your dates that you are just looking for friendly dates and not ready for any serious relationship.

Conduct yourself and stay positive to make her want you back. If you get hurt and want her back so badly, do not do crazy things like drinking all night and then cry begging at her front door. Do not stalk her or call her all the time. Doing crazy things will jeopardize your chances of winning her back. Give yourself a break and leave some dignity in yourself and respect her decision. Stay positive and conduct yourself. She will get amazed eventually and you will earn her respect and admiration on how you handle the break up like a true gentleman.

Focus on improving yourself. Maybe she dumped you because you've lost the things that she used to love about you. If you want to make her want you back, this is the time to focus on improving yourself and rediscover the things that made her fall for you in the first place. If you love painting then this is the time to focus on your talent. If you want to learn how to play the guitar or you want to engage in sports then this is the time to do all those things. Doing things that will make you happy and fulfilled will make you a better person for her.

Winning your ex girlfriend back is not that hard if you know how. Do you want to discover the proven techniques to make her want you back and keep her for good? Visit Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back.

To know more about love and relationships visit All About Relationships.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

How to Make Up With Your Ex Girlfriend

Written by Gerry Restrivera

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Do you miss your ex girlfriend and want to win her back? You realized that life is not complete without her but you are not sure if she wants you back. It is a confusing situation when you want her back and do not know what to do. If you are sure that you want to make up with your ex girlfriend, of course, there are ways on how to do it and you have to find out how.

It maybe hard to make up with your ex girlfriend but it is not impossible and you have to stay on the course to meet your goal of getting her back. Here are some tips:

Do not overreact. Break ups are common occurrences in any romantic relationship and if you overreact, you may lose your chance to make up with your ex girlfriend. Hold your emotions because if you get carried away, you might say and do things that could make the situation worse. Just calm down, compose yourself and try to understand the situation.

Give her enough time. If you want to make up with your ex girlfriend, the keyword here is enough time. If you will try to communicate with her right away after the break up, she might get annoyed by you and she will definitely avoid you. If you wait too long to communicate with her, she might fall for someone else and forget about you. Give her space but be observant to know the right time to communicate with her again. Be patient and she will eventually miss you and want you back.

Do not beg or act desperate. This is the worst thing that you could do. Women love confident men and if you beg her to comeback, she will avoid you more. You can make a personal apology but after that, give her the time to think and do not desperately beg for her to accept your apology at once and take you back.

Evaluate yourself. While she is having her time to think about the break up, you also have the time to evaluate yourself. This is the time to ask yourself what went wrong in the relationship. Figure out what is your contribution to the break up and how you can make things right to eventually make up with your ex girlfriend.

Seek professional help. There are people who are experts in giving advice when it comes to relationship problems. There is nothing to lose to try to seek professional advice if you cannot win her back on your own. You are failing because you are using the wrong techniques. These people will give you proven techniques to win back your ex girlfriend.

If you want to discover more techniques on how to make up with your ex girlfriend and win her back for good visit Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

To know more about love and relationships visit All About Relationships

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

How to Make Your Girlfriend Stay for Good

Written by Gerry Restrivera

Sunday, 26 April 2009

We all experienced relationship break up at some point in our lives but if it keeps happening, maybe you are now asking how to make your girlfriend stay for good. People stay in a relationship because there are reasons to stay, now you maybe wondering what really makes a woman stay in a relationship. If you are trying to get your ex girlfriend back, it is also important to know what women are looking for in a relationship that will make them stay for good.

Excitement and thrill. If you get too satisfied in the relationship, it is very easy to be too comfortable and take things for granted which could lead to boredom. Like men, women are also looking for some excitement and if you keep doing the same things over and over again, she will begin to wonder how to try new things without you. To make your girlfriend stay for good, help her gain new experiences and adventures in her life with you. Discover new things or hobbies together that will add spice and excitement in your relationship.

Confidence and protection. To make your girlfriend stay for good, she should feel protected and confident around you. It is important that you are her source of confidence when she needs someone to boost her confidence during rough times in her life. Most women still believe in fairy tales where prince charming is there to save her. It is always a good feeling for any woman in love to feel secured when the man he love is just around to protect her if she needs it.

Believe in her. Like you, your girlfriend also has dreams and goals she wants to achieve in life. It is important that you believe and support her to achieve her goals. You do not want her to just decide on her own or look for support from someone else, right? To make your girlfriend stay for good, give her the support that she need when it comes to her personal dreams and be happy for her achievements. How can she leave a man who is always there to support her in every important milestone of her life?

Keeping a relationship with your girlfriend may require a lot of commitment and dedication but in return you can make your girlfriend stay for good. If you are mending a broken heart now and you want to win your ex girlfriend back, the above mentioned tips will serve as a reminder on what women really want from a boyfriend.

If you want to discover proven techniques to win your ex girlfriend back and keep her for good visit Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back

To know more about love and relationships visit All About Relationships

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

5 Helpful Dating Advices for Men

Written by Charlotte Miller

Monday, 04 May 2009

Dating is a stage where two people are getting to know each other out of romantic interest. This may lead to something better and deeper like the term called "Love". You will never know, the girl of your dreams is just a date away, waiting for you to ask her out. Here are some helpful dating advice for men:

1. Look and feel good for your date.

If you only knew, women also spend hours in front of the mirror just to get their selves fixed and look good for you too. You have to do your part too. Pick a simple yet decent clothes and splash on some good-smelling cologne. Shave off those untidy beards and look neat. Your personality reflects on how you look in the outside. Women love men who take care of themselves.

2. Act gentle.

Make them feel princess-like. Ladies love it when they feel pampered.

3. Treat her with respect.

This is what you need to also earn respect from ladies. Respect begets respect. Don't even try to look at some other sexy girls when you are with her.

4. Do not think of having sex with her afterwards. This is usually what nasty man expects after having a date. This creates a very bad impression on girls. If you want decent girl to be your long term girlfriend, act accordingly.

5. Walk her to the doorstep. Make sure you get her home safe and you might get your kiss for a thank you.

You have to remember that the outcome of your first date will tell you if you deserve to have a second one. So bear these dating advices in mind and have a wonderful date experience.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

"Breaking Up Is Never Easy" - Or Cheap

Written by Stacey Beattie

Wednesday, 10 June 2009

There's a strange offshoot of the current financial crisis that you couldn't have foreseen a few months ago. The super rich, the preserve of the gnashing divorce lawyer, are staying in relationships.

To the chagrin of several leading Barristers, wealthy couples are gritting their teeth, unpacking their bags and doubtless seething as they slurp their coffee over the breakfast table each morning having halted divorce proceedings.

As the Times reported last month, London's top divorce solicitor Raymond Tooth has actually recommended that couples hold their marriages together, with Sellotape and binding wire if needs be until the recession shows signs of slowing down.

Tooth - also known as Jaws - has an awesome reputation for landing ex-wives huge amounts of money after their divorces from celebrities, Hedge fund managers and Oligarchs in the past.

Notable benefactors to bail out of relationships successfully include Sadie Frost, who scooped a £4m lump sum, a £2m house and a £15,000-a-month allowance from the actor Jude Law and Eimaer Montgomerie, who walked away from her marriage to golfer Colin with £15m in the divorce.

Tooth has been succinct in his advice: - ""Wives would be better now to wait, as the courts are being very wary about awards because of the problem of the ability to make payments," he said. "Hang on in there until times get better".

A divorce is probably the least pleasant experience any relationship can go through, not least for successful men who, due to the nature of the law courts and child support agency, often end up actually owing money once their monthly income has been mauled by their ex. No marriage advice can prepare you for it.

The actor Robin Williams worded the angst and despair particularly well when he said:-

"Ah, yes, divorce ... from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet".

It is this despair that has led to a recent trend amongst men in the UK who feel their relationship may be on rocky ground. They have begun to hoard their liquid assets in secret to keep their wealth protected from lawyers, agencies and their ex wife. At the top end this takes the form of anonymous Swiss bank accounts, and at the lower end of the scale it amounts to burying or hiding cash to be dug up when the dust settles.

In the middle a new development has occurred: - prepaid debit cards. These card (going under names such as the Eclipse Card), which can be loaded in secret via credit card transfer or even over

the phone, are being used by men as a secret nest egg. A percentage of each month's salary is siphoned off onto the card, away from the watchful eye of the spouse or any circling vultures (sorry, divorce lawyers). Like the ‘hole in the ground' idea, the cards can be secreted away until things quieten down after the divorce, at which point the now free gentleman can spend his free cash on Xboxes, beer and pizza to his heart's content. http://www.eclipsecard.co.uk/eclipse_card/Discreet_payments

Illegal? Unlikely. Immoral? Almost certainly. But in the field of divorce the battle lines were drawn a long time before the relationships turned sour, and for any man who has worked hard for his money, clawing back a secret stash after a divorce is the least he can do. http://www.eclipsecard.co.uk/eclipse_card/general_benefits

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

For Men: 5 Ways to Get your Ex Back

Written by Tanay Kumar Das

Thursday, 25 June 2009

What complicates breakups with women is the lasting pain deep inside of you. You cannot stop but think about the myriad of ways to get your ex back and you're willing to try anything that would get her back - simply because you want her back. You may have already tried sending her e-mails, called her on her mobile phone or on her home phone but they were all for naught as you didn't get any reply from your ex. You want your ex back so badly and you've tried the conventional ways of begging and pleading in anyway possible but they were all for naught. Fortunately for you, this article lists the top five surefire, unconventional ways to get back this ex of yours:

Ask her hand in marriage. This may seem preposterous since you've already broken up but even so, this might just work. Why, you ask? Because there's this big chance that the breakup might have been caused by lack of commitment. Asking a girl's hand in marriage (even though she is your ex) shows that you are ready and willing to take this serious step of committing yourself to her for the long run.

Listen to her. In any relationship, listening to a person while he or she is talking is important. There may have been some things you have overlooked or missed while she was talking on the day you broke up—or even before that!

Date others. This may seem like manipulating the situation but you never know you may just meet someone you like more than you do your ex. When she sees you happy with someone else, she may just realize that you're worth it to that someone you're dating and may seek reconciliation with you.

Show her you care a lot by buying her something that makes her feel she's special to you. This way, you may be wooing her back with material things but you're really showing how you care for her feminine side—wants or needs. Be cautious, though, because at times, you may be mistaken of being a pure sexist and nothing else.

Have a simple and pleasant talk with her parents. An encounter and a simple conversation with her parents may just make you understand your ex in a different light. Added to that, you may also make a really good impression on them that they might just convince their daughter to get back with you and give the relationships another try. Just be cautious and do not overdo this one, though. Your ex or her parents might think you're stalking.

These five ways, if followed with caution, sincerity and good intentions, will help you win your ex's heart back. Just make sure that you do everything in your power to make the relationship work - the second time around.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleBlast.com

Sunday, August 23, 2009

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